Monday, November 19, 2018

In San Diego!


This week has been filled with so much. Leaving the MTC last Tuesday was so bitter sweet. I had such an amazing district, companion and zone and it was weird saying bye. But I am SO excited to be in California and my MTC comp and one of the elders from my district came to San Diego also, so that fun!

I am already so in love with my mission: I can wear birkenstocks!! Jack Johnson is on the approved music list😍 there are palm trees everywhere and the sun is always shining.

My mission President and his wife are the sweetest and I love them so much already. They are really down to earth and they feel like my second parents.

The people here are sooo nice. I may not always be able to understand everything they're saying but they're really patient and repeat things for me. They love my Australian Spanish accent (apparently I do have one haha) and they call me "Hermana Loba" or in English "Sister Wolf" because Wolferstan is too hard.

I'm in a trio and I loooove my companions. They're Hermana Batchelor and Hermana Francis. They've both been out for 8 months and are total pros. They help me A LOT with the language.

I'm currently in the Santee and the El Cajon area so not super close to the coast but I love it.

On Wednesday we went to the mission home and did some training. Its so beautiful and the living room is where the interviews for "The Distrcict 2" were filmed (fun little fact). You can actually see mexico from the backyard too.

On thursday we all met at the Mormon Batallion center in old town and took a tour and did some training. It was really fun but let's just say I am really glad I wasn't called there haha. After that we went tracting in a few trailer parks and contacted a few people. It was really fun but kind of weird haha.

Dinner: oh my gosh haha. It was interesting. We went to a part member families house for dinner (the Gontes's) and just the mom and daughter and granddaughter were there. They were the sweetest people ever. I wasn't feeling really hungry in the first place because we ate lunch late. For dinner we had molé with corn tortillas, chicken, avocado, and cheese. It's a really interesting flavor. It's basically chocolate sauce haha. I only got half way through when I felt like I was going to be sick. I looked over at my one of my companions and she couldn't finish it either so that made me feel a lot better. Hopefully I get used to it because apparently it's served a lot. Other dinners have been really good but also really spicy for me. One dinner my lips went numb because it was so spicy haha but I am slowly building my tolerance! The burritos here are really good, especially from Los Chavos. I'll attach a photo of one below haha they're HUGE.

This week we have been focusing on reactivating members and teaching part member families. They're are a lot of recent converts that have become inactive so we have been visiting them a lot. One family that we've spent a lot of time with this week is the Ambriz family. The mom is from El Salvador. She has two daughters and a 3 month old son! So cute! We watched like 3/4 Conference sessions with them and they really loved it. They said that they were really grateful for President Nelson and for the church and are going to start reading the Book of Mormon as a family together which made us super happy. She makes reallyyyyy spicy food haha (but really good). This is Lily Ambriz.

We went to dinner on Sunday at the Siebach's house, they're all members. The mom is from mexico and the dad served a Spanish speaking mission in Florida. But they both speak perfect English which was really nice. They also made hotdogs and Hamburgers which my intestines were very grateful for.

We also had the opportunity to go to the San Diego temple this morning for pday. It was so beautiful. Favorite temple by far.

Overall I had a really good week and I am loving San Diego (Santee/El Cajon) and the people here.

I am SO grateful for the opportunity I have to be here for the next little bit of my life. I am so happy that Heavenly Father put me in this mission, I already feel so at home after just one week. I am very grateful for the opportunity we had to listen to the prophets and apostles thus weekend and I know that President Nelson is the prophet. I loved when he explained the importance of not abbreviating the name of the church. This is Christ's church and it is an honor to be able to be a representative of Him. I love my savior and my Heavenly Father so much.

More Photos-

Arriving in San Diego

I love you all! Thank you for all of your emails!

- Hermana Wolferstan

P.S. My new address is:
7404 Armstrong Place, San Diego, CA 9211 :)

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Transfer PDay!!

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